Jenna Barrad

Jenna is currently a Sophomore at UW Madison-Wisconsin with the planned track to major in conservation biology and communication arts hoping to go into the field of marine conservation. The 18-year-old from Los Angeles, California grew up around the ocean and has been involved with environmental organizations advocating for environmental education and outreach from high school up until now. She grew up partaking in beach clean ups and doing clubs that dedicate their time to conservation and environmental protection. Jenna was President of a Thirst Project chapter, a club focusing on ending the global water crisis by building freshwater wells, at her high school and brought it to her college campus hoping to inspire education and fundraisers with her peers.

Through field experience in Belize studying microplastic abundance in remote locations, Jenna has gained a deeper appreciation for the environment. She has gained a passion for working in the field of ethical plastic production and disposal and is currently working on getting her team’s work published. She has also worked closely with stake holders and federal and state government officials in the forestry management department to conduct forestry management plans through her high school organization called Envirothon, which specialized in forestry, aquatics, soil, and wildlife education.

Jenna is very excited to be a part of the EarthEco team and grow as an individual and teammate. She is excited to learn more about plastics in regard to the environment and to become an advocate at a larger scale.