Brooklyn Wright: Earth Saver Girl
In second grade, Brooklyn Wright knew that the way people were treating our planet needed to change. While learning about conservation issues in school, Brooklyn began to notice the litter problem in her local community. She wanted to convince other people to start caring and take notice, especially kids her own age. While Brooklyn knew she had the power to create change, she wanted to create something that would inspire kids everywhere. It was then that “Earth Saver Girl” was born. That year, Brooklyn began sketching out Earth Saver Girl and planning her adventures. She believed that students her age would listen to a “super hero,” and wanted everyone to know that they had the power to make a difference.
“Earth Saver Girl” is the story of Layla, an ordinary 9-year old girl turned superhero, who protects people and animals so that other generations can enjoy a clean and healthy planet. Throughout her journey, she discovers that her own cousin is their community’s biggest “litter bug” and sets out to change his attitude! Through her adventures, readers learn about not only how to protect the planet, but why it’s important.
Since publishing “Earth Saver Girl’s” first book, Brooklyn has traveled and spoken to a wide variety of audiences from pre-schools to church groups. Groups usually start out saying things like “Who Cares? Litter is gross,” Brooklyn says, but by
the end of her presentation, they’re all clamoring to use “Earth Saver Girl’s” special “litter getter.” “There is always a big changes in attitudes,” Brooklyn commented, “every time I speak, my mission is accomplished.” For Brooklyn, seeing that he
r idea has had nationwide, even worldwide, impact is what is most rewarding. While she has seen changes in her local communities and schools, she’s also heard from students as far away as Hawaii that were inspired by “Earth Saver Girl.”
Today, Brooklyn is in sixth grade and has even bigger plans for “Earth Saver Girl” in the future. She’s just completed her second book which focuses on picking up pet waste to protect water resources. She is currently expanding that work into a chapter book to reach her older peers. As the years go on she hopes to tackle even more issues and add more characters to her series, including a character to promote science and technology. This summer, Brooklyn and Earth Saver Girl will launch their first, week long, eco-summer camp for 6th through 8th graders in the Atlanta area to inspire others to love the outdoors and our planet as much as “Earth Saver Girl” does. “I just hope I get to meet Earth Saver Girl,” Brooklyn said with a laugh, “we never seem to be in the same place at the same time.”
“Earth Saver Girl” began as an idea that a superhero could inspire others to save the earth from pollution and litter. Brooklyn was able to see her dream come to life and has been inspiring others to take environmental action ever since! “Just remember,” Brooklyn says, “you’re never too young to make a difference.”