Celebrate World Oceans Day
Monday, June 8, is World Oceans Day, and here at EarthEcho International we are celebrating all week with ocean-themed videos, youth-hosted virtual events, and a Virtual Field Trip to Biscayne National Park in Florida. Are you looking for ways to celebrate?
Here are a few options we are happy to provide and participate in:

Go on a World Oceans Day Virtual Field Trip to Biscayne National Park, hosted by EarthEcho Youth Leadership Council member Armon Alex.
Dive into corals with Coralpalooza Digital 2020, the world’s first online celebration of coral reefs.
Check out the EarthEchoWater Challenge and get prepared and inspired to explore and protect your local water resources when it is safe to do so. You can still be part of a global movement even with social distancing! PLEASE NOTE: DUE TO THE SPREAD OF THE CORONAVIRUS, EARTHECHO INTERNATIONAL RECOMMENDS CONSULTING STATE AND COMMUNITY HEALTH DEPARTMENTS AND WWW.CORONAVIRUS.GOV BEFORE CONDUCTING ANY ACTIVITY OUTSIDE OF THE HOME.
Watch ocean-themed Snack-Sized Science demos
· Chalk it up to Ocean Acidification
Journey with us on ocean-themed EarthEcho Expeditions: