Expedition What's the Catch? Virtual Field Trip: Seaweed Farming 101
Join EarthEcho International and Maine Sea Grant Marine Extension Associate, Jaclyn Robidoux as we learn all about seaweed aquaculture (farming). This live, interactive 45-minute event will allow you and your students to ask questions from our expert and guest host Jaclyn. She works to develop the seaweed sector in Maine, with an emphasis on sustainable seaweed production, post-harvest processing, and product development. Learn how Jaclyn works closely with coastal organizations, researchers, sea farmers, and resource managers on issues pertaining to seaweed fisheries and aquaculture.
Jaclyn Robidoux
Classroom Resources

Water by Design: Aquaponics 101
In Southern California, about 80% of the freshwater supply is used for farming. Philippe and Ashlan Cousteau meet with executive chef and farmer Adam Navidi from Future Foods Farms in Brea, CA. Chef Adam uses an innovative farming design called aquaponics to grow lettuce, vegetables, and even fish with less water than the average family uses at home on a daily basis.
EarthEcho Expeditions: What's the Catch? Establish Our Fisheries
Philippe Cousteau travels to Plymouth, England, one of Europe’s largest seafood exporters, to explore fisheries and the impacts these practices can have on the environment. Philippe joins Dr. Martin Atrill from the University of Plymouth out at sea to use a trawl net for a fish survey and to understand how data is collected and fish populations are monitored. Fish require balanced and healthy ecosystems in order to thrive and feed our growing population. Philippe joins Dr. Abigail McQuatters-Gollop to learn more about plankton the base of the food web that supports all fish.