Solving Water Together: Diving Into Water Quality
Whether we are swimming, fishing, or paddling in it, using it for our drinking water source or to grow our food, or simply walking the beach and watching the wildlife that relies on it, we all have a deep connection to the water in our community and a responsibility to protect it. Join us as we investigate water quality testing and why monitoring the health of your local waterway is important. This event will be co-hosted by a Xylem Watermark Champion and EarthEcho Youth Leadership Council member Domingo Cortinez.
Domingo Cortinez
Domingo Cortinez is a rising first-year at the University of Chicago aiming to study a mix of public policy and environmental studies. As a Youth Council Member for EarthEcho International, he has taught lesson labs to over 500 elementary and middle school students on the climate crisis and water conservation. Domingo also served as the Co-Lead for the Future in the Bag Miami Pilot Program to establish a reusable bag swap station in his local community.
Domingo has also aimed to make his community more sustainable in other ways. For example, he persuaded his school principal to switch to reusable utensils after presenting on the attitude formation consequences the daily usage of single use plastic can have on students. Domingo is also a certified member of The CLEO Institute’s Climate Speakers Network and a member of the genCLEO youth group. He co-founded his school’s Sustainable Development Club to promote the United Nation’s seventeen sustainable development goals in his community. Besides his environmental work, Domingo is also the Communications Head for the Dream Reading Initiative book drive and has medaled at the scholastic national and state championships in crew.
Michelle Muller
Michelle Muller is an Executive Assistant for the Innovation, Technology and Products team as well as the Xylem Vue team. She has over 30 years of support experience, the last 5 years working at Xylem. She has been a key leader in the annual Camp Xylem program, as well as a Watermark Champion. Working with children is something she values, so being a part of the water testing program through Earth Echo is one of her favorite parts of her job. She also is a leader in helping with water related volunteer activities whenever she can. Michelle strives to make the younger population understand the importance of clean water and its scarcity. She has a pay it forward mentality when it comes to passing on easy tips children can share with other children, as well as parents and other adults.
Classroom Resources

Snack-Sized Science: Wading Into Water Quality Worksheet
The Wading Into Water Quality worksheet provides background information, detailed instructions and more to accompany our Snack-Sized Science video.