Working with the beautiful Hudson Canyon

This blog post was guest written by Leslieann Peers-Roman, an EarthEcho International Ocean Protection Ambassador.

Hello Everyone, I’m thrilled to celebrate Marine Sanctuary Day with all of you this year! This day is a very special day to me because of all the amazing work I have been able to be a part of and my ability to contribute to helping designate one of our very own National Marine Sanctuaries in New York. My name is Leslieann Peers-Roman and I am Ocean Protection Ambassador with EarthEcho International. 

My focus so far throughout the ambassador program has been to bring public attention to and raise local awareness about the beautiful Hudson Canyon. I started my contribution to this amazing canyon as a volunteer at my local aquarium where I encouraged community members to step up as advocates by signing petitions and providing public comments. 

I’ve expanded on this work throughout my EarthEcho Ambassadorship by creating a comprehensive campaign in support of designating the Hudson Canyon as a National Marine Sanctuary. I accomplished this by creating a summer camp activity for 6th-8th graders where they were asked to role-play as members of the Sanctuary Advisory Council who are jointly creating a list of papers and terms to discuss how the Sanctuary operates. By participating in the activity, the campers were able to see that people who come from diverse perspectives and stories can still come together to form a solution to a common challenge. 

I believe wholeheartedly that National Marine Sanctuaries are critically important because the ocean and its inhabitants have a way of connecting all of us together – regardless of our situations and issues, the ocean is a place where everyone can feel at home. National Marine Sanctuaries provide critical protection to animals and ecosystems and help us preserve essential biodiversity. Moreover, the steadiness these designated sites gives to a community for helping take that charge is a feeling that is indescribable. I am very honored to be an advocate for the proposed Hudson Canyon National Marine Sanctuary and I look forward to seeing many more in the future.