Apurva Iyengar

From family hiking trips to cultivating an annual vegetable garden, nature has always played an important role in Apurva’s life and has inspired her commitment to conservation. This passion has influenced her decision to pursue a major at Tufts University, following her high school graduation. Apurva spent her senior year working on a research project developing a system for organic indoor gardening, making organic produce more accessible to low-income families and combating the environmental impact of conventional, pesticide-heavy farming. She was also a 2019 Sea Youth Rise Up youth delegate and will be a keynote speaker at the Clean Water Celebration in Peoria, Illinois in 2021. In addition, Apurva is currently serving as the Mid-Atlantic Regional Coordinator for ThinkOcean Global and a Squad Leader for the 2020 Ocean Heroes Bootcamp.

In her spare time, she teaches part-time at a local art institution, The Art Academy of Hillsborough, and is a member of both academic and artistic National Honor Societies at her high school, as well as Editor in Chief of her high school’s annually published literary magazine.