Dominique Lueckenhoff
Dominique Lueckenhoff serves as the Senior Vice President of Corporate Affairs & Sustainability at Hugo Neu Corporation. Reporting to the Chair and CEO, she leads the company’s global efforts in corporate sustainability, environmental policy, public and community affairs, and green business growth and investment.
Reporting to the Chair and CEO, she leads the company’s global efforts in corporate sustainability, environmental policy, public and community affairs, and green business growth and investment with an immediate focus on Kearny Point, the company’s billion dollar adaptive reuse of the four-million-square-foot former WWI and WWII ship-making facility, which is being transformed into a modern, community-oriented healthy workplace nested in a restored urban ecosystem as a model for 21st century resiliency. The Project represents one of the nation’s most ambitious and environmentally-driven redevelopment projects and has already attracted over 200 businesses.
Ms. Lueckenhoff also leads Hugo Neu’s Health, Safety and Environmental Health Department, recently developing and executing a state-of-the-art healthy office program utilizing stacked technology systems reducing risk of human coronavirus transmission to less than 1% – enabling medical building space equivalency if not better. Due to her efforts, Hugo Neu has already been recognized as a leader in sustainability, resilience and environmental health in the real estate/development arena.
Ms. Lueckenhoff also serves as Adjunct Professor on the faculty of Virginia Tech’s Center for Leadership in Global Sustainability, chairs the newly formed Community-based Public Private Partnerships Center of Excellence for Water, Energy and Equitable Economic Resilience, and participates on the Water Steering Committee of the American Sustainable Business Council. Recognized as a national leader and expert in green infrastructure and sustainable communities, Ms. Lueckenhoff has over 25 years of award-winning program development and management experience across multiple USEPA programs protecting the nation’s air, water, and land.
Prior to joining Hugo Neu, Ms. Lueckenhoff served as Senior Advisor to the EPA Region 3 Administrator where she developed and led initiatives related to innovative community-based public private partnerships, next generation technologies and alternative market-based approaches to achieving “faster, cheaper, greener” environmental improvements and resilient, sustainable communities.
Recognized as a national leader and expert in green infrastructure and sustainable communities, Ms. Lueckenhoff has over 25 years of award-winning program development, management and supervisory experience across multiple U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) programs and geographic regions protecting the nation’s air, water and land. In addition to multiple Gold, Silver, and Bronze Medals, she is a recipient of 5EPA’s James W. Craig Pollution Prevention Leadership Award for efforts related to alternative financing and innovative P3s for large-scale integrated green infrastructure and the Agency’s National Honor Award for Outstanding Leadership in Collaborative Problem-Solving. Prior to joining Hugo Neu, Ms. Lueckenhoff served as Senior Advisor to the EPA Region 3 Administrator where she developed and led initiatives related to innovative public private partnerships, next generation technologies and alternative market-based financing and delivery approaches to achieving “faster, cheaper, greener” environmental improvements and resilient, sustainable communities. Ms. Lueckenhoff also served as Acting Director (& Deputy Division Director for 5+ yrs.) of the EPA Region 3 Water Protection Division, directing administration and management of all division Clean Water Act (CWA) and Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) activities and multi-billion-dollar funding spanning 5 Mid-Atlantic states and the District of Columbia.
Ms. Lueckenhoff also served as Acting Director of the EPA Region 3 Water Protection Division, directing administration and management of all division activities. In addition to holding an MS degree in Microbiology & Biophysics as a National Science Foundation Fellow, she received her U.S. Senior Executive Service (SES) certification as a graduate of the US Treasury Executive Institute and US EPA SES Candidate Development Program.