Hacie San Jose
Hacie San Jose is a 21-year-old freelance videographer and editor born and raised on the island of Guam. They graduated from the University of Guam with a Bachelor’s Degree in Communication & Media with a focus on Mass Media & Journalism. As of 2022, she has participated in the Micronesia Climate Change Alliance’s Kulo’ program where her project consisted of various illustrations of the interpretation of the endangerment of local flora and fauna. Outside of usual work and projects, she dedicates some of her time to photographing protests and advocating against local issues such as the Heartbeat Act and supporting causes like Prutehi Litekyan (Save Ritidian.) She currently is working on documentary work following the development of the notorious Vista Del Mar project on Guam. Most of her efforts are put toward combining her passions with her craft, but she enjoys drawing, baking desserts, and spending time with her cats in her downtime.
"A Moment in Tide" campaign was created in order to spread awareness about the Pacific Remote Islands (PRI) Marine National Monument through forming a connection between everyday people and the ocean. This was done through a museum exhibition in which all the art pieces were themed around topics such as marine life, ocean protection, ocean connection, oceanic history, and oceanic myths and legends.
Separately, a large 6 piece canvas was made with 7 student volunteers. This piece was made to be a center point of the exhibit, drawing viewers in and allowing them to ask questions and think about the ocean and its rich history. These 7 students were also the kickstarts to youth advocacy among the Guahan community. Within the course of two painting workshops, the students were able to both complete the painting (through a paint by numbers method) as well as be briefed and informed on the PRI coalition mission, the 30x30 goal, and resources in which they could contribute to both causes, whether it be through petitions, GenSea, or even bringing the topic back to their local high schools and clubs.
Through the help of multiple community partners, an exhibition was set up at the Guam Museum for work to be displayed. Community youth were given an opportunity to submit their pieces over a two-week period, and all pieces were accepted and prepared for display alongside the center piece, a pledge wall station, and a photo-op frame. Students from different parts of the island were able to submit work whether it be via help from their parents, through their schools, or by recommendation. Different parts of the exhibit also allow for visitors to scan QR codes, post with hashtags and tags to social media, make a pledge to the 30x30 goal through signage, and even sign the PRI petition directly. As of late, a closing reception is also in the works so that contributing students, parents, and other interested parties may come together to celebrate the complete exhibit and be reminded of the causes that they have all contributed to, and the overall impact and change that is a result of that.
“Connection is something that OceanEcho 30x30 Fellowship did for me; it allowed me to work with others, despite coming from different places, to create and reach change all the same.”