Heather Hendricks

Heather Hendricks is a 6th Grade teacher at The Palmdale Aerospace Academy. She is married to an English teacher who also works at her school. They have two wonderful daughters, Madigan and Violet, who are 9 and 6 years old. They have lived in Palmdale for 5 years. Prior to that, they bounced around California, following various teaching opportunities.

Heather has a wide range of teaching experience including, teaching infants in a gymnastics program, 4-year-olds on the Paiute\Shoshone reservation in Bishop California, as well as, traditional classroom instruction.  She has taught all grades and subjects for elementary school and has even had experience with 10th Grade honors English. Heather's ongoing passion for science and STEM is a driving force for her instruction, so much so, that her students lovingly asked her if she was a hippie. Her response, "If that means I care about our environment and basic human rights, then I guess I am."