Lucy Skelton
Lucy Skelton is 16 years old and is passionate about making a difference! Growing up in Melbourne, Australia she has been able to take every opportunity and adventure that comes her way, whether it be leadership opportunities, conferences, courses or even when founding her own social enterprise business and student youth network.
She is passionate about climate change, equality and an education for all. She wants people to not only know about an issue but to care about an issue because this is when she thinks that the most positive change can occur. She tries to teach and learn as much as possible about her passions so that she can teach others so that they can understand the issue too. She says that when people understand an issue they are then given the opportunity to care and from there they are more likely to act and protect the things that are most important to them.
She is a graduate of the tomorrow’s leaders for sustainability course with the Port Phillip Eco Centre, a graduate of the Ocean Youth program run by the Sea Life Trust where she then created her own climate change campaign called Flick the Switch teaching people about the consequences of their choice and habits for the sake of a more climate safe future, she is a graduate of the Science Behind Climate Change and Psychology of Denial Short Course with the University of Queensland, she has been a part of the Kids Teaching Kids conference for 2 years helping to run workshops with her team for the other students and has led her school’s Environment team in 2017 (@mgc_enviro_team on Instagram). In 2017 she has also founded her own social enterprise business called BeHappy.bags (@behappy.bags on Instagram) BeHappy.bags sells ethically and sustainably produced tote bags with the purpose of making a difference. They do this by giving 20% of their profits to not for profits who they know are making a difference!
Her main goal in life is to be happy and she knows that can’t be that without helping people and this planet. Although as hard as it is to sometimes believe, she believes that the world is worth saving and because of this belief she says that she will never give up trying to make a positive difference in the lives of others, human or not. She is excited and honoured to have been offered a positive on the EarthEcho International Youth Council and can’t wait to see what comes next.