Nya Washington
Nya Washington is a 17-year-old, presently living in Colonial Heights, Virginia. She’s currently a High School senior who’s always challenging herself to be more involved.
From childhood, Nya has grown interested in environmental sciences such as marine and aquatic biology, zoology, botany, and ecology. In elementary school, aquatic biology specifically became fascinating to her from a STEM program that introduced her to the topics of freshwater biomes. Expanding her commitments, she‘s created a thriving environment for her fish, successfully achieving the nitrogen cycle in her 10-gallon aquarium.
Besides caring for her community tank, Nya enjoys doing yoga, meditating, gardening, reading, blogging, and making trinkets from clay. This fish tank enthusiast has a strong passion for spreading awareness of climate change’s effects on life in our oceans and land. Nya is more than thrilled to serve her term as a Blue Carbon Ambassador and can’t wait to connect with other environmentalists.