Priscila Bonilla

Priscila Bonilla is a 15 years old Ecuadorian girl growing up on the Galapagos Islands. She is a student from the Tomas de Berlanga High School. Since her childhood she began to develop her great interest in conservation and ecology, and a goal to improve education, the administration of resources, and solve environmental and social problems. Almost 3 years ago, she made a decision to have a more active role in conservation. She started by participating in programs and projects of the WWF, the Charles Darwin Foundation and the Galapagos National Park. A short time later she became an active member of the Mola Mola Ecology Club - EPI (Ecology Project International). She is a very excited to work and support in everything possible, very lively, creative and with a great charisma. Always with the goal of creating change and every day learning more, so she has joined in different projects such as: Bird Mortality on the Road, Garbage Scientists with the Latin American Network ReCiba, Rescuing Organic Products, Environmental Guides, Sea Turtle Monitoring and also helped lead other community projects, collaborated to expand monitoring of green sea turtle nesting to a different Island, with the great desire to inspire more youth.

Very determined, she does not wait any time to develop her own ecological project - Reforestation of endemic plants and installation of Botanical Gardens in Santa Cruz, an initiative supported by the Houston Zoo and EPI. She also got an exchange in Costa Rica to meet and work with the Baulá sea turtle, the largest in the world. Priscila has received recognitions and awards as navigable cruises on 3 occasions.