Sadie Blancaflor

Sadie Blancaflor studies human-environmental systems and political anthropology at Stanford University. Sadie’s people-centered approach to issues of environmental justice and climate displacement is informed by her diverse experiences, ranging from co-founding the nationally-recognized youth-led climate organization Baltimore Beyond Plastic, interviewing climate activists in red states on how to bridge the partisan divide, farming on frozen Alaskan tundra nearly 400 miles from the nearest road system, and working as a stagiaire at a sustainability-oriented Michelin-starred restaurant. She currently serves as co-director of Baole, a Bay Area organization that seeks to apply a cultural lens to sustainable eating. In addition to her work on the EarthEcho Youth Leadership Council, Sadie serves as board co-chair for Power Shift Network and as the National Reinvestment Director for the College Climate Coalition.