Sohil Shah

Sohil Shah is currently a student at UNC Chapel Hill studying global health seeking to pursue a career at the nexus of international development, digital integration, and social innovation. Passionate about education equity, Sohil co-founded The College Essayist, a global student-run college access organization and website providing free resources and articles to students navigating the high school and higher education process - thus far reaching 40,000 people virtually over the world. In addition, he is currently working on several initiatives and organizations ranging from global development, public health, and social entrepreneurship. Among other NGO's, Sohil has worked with PlanetReads (India), Search for Common Ground (Sierra Leone), HelpKidz Foundation (Nigeria), and the US Agency for International Development on digital inclusion, strategy, and youth engagement practices.

Passionate about science education, Sohil is currently working with the Smithsonian Museum of Natural History to assist in reaching larger targets and audiences through digital practices. Sohil has served on the boards of DoSomething (Health Advisory Council), National Teen Council (Member), the International Youth Council (Lead Development Consultant to Office of Innovation & Development), and is also on the EarthEcho International Youth Leadership Council. Sohil is currently partnering and working with Ashoka to assist in the launching of a changemaking process at universities across the nation for students aspiring to create innovative social change. Most recently, Sohil's pledge action commitment was selected by Georgetown and US Department of States Sustainable Oceans Alliance in which he got to meet Secretary of State John Kerry, actor Adrien Grenier, and others.  

At UNC, Sohil has conducted global education policy research, HIV self-testing research, and anthropological research, and he is passionate about championing sustainable practices to create a greener and sounder world. He's been recognized as a National Opportunity Nation Leader, a Resolution Project Fellow (Class 8), a YP4 Human Rights Fellow, a UN Special Envoy for Education "A World at School" Global Ambassador, Under30Changemaker, Youth Service America Everyday Young Hero, and Three Dot Dash (2016 Global Teen Leader, International Alternate) among other outlets.