Teresa Sikora
I am a dedicated, enthusiastic teacher of 23 years. I’ve taught grades 2 -6 with most of my experience in 5th and 6th grade. I am Nationally Board Certified and hold a valid certificate to teach Elementary Education 1- 6, Exceptional Education and Gifted. I currently teach 5th Grade Gifted Accelerated at Andersen Elementary in Rockledge Florida.
I’m very passionate about what I do, this includes working out, being a mother, caring for others and of course teaching. My feeling is that if I am going to do something I’m going to do it right and give it my all.
I’ve worked years to develop in depth thematic units on a variety of topics including flight, the environment, nutrition and water. I’m a life – long learner and want to make an impact through education to help people and the world.