Terri Kirby Hathaway
Terri Kirby Hathaway has been the Marine Education Specialist for North Carolina Sea Grant since October 2003, sharing her knowledge of ocean sciences and aquatic environments with educators statewide. Prior to that, she was the Education Curator at the NC Aquarium on Roanoke Island for 18.5 years. Elementary teachers are a special focus for Terri’s work. She co-authored North Carolina’s Amazing Coast, a book published in May 2013 that features the habitats, flora, and fauna of NC’s coastal region. It will be complemented by an elementary curriculum in 2015. The results of her needs assessment that looked at the status of ocean education in NC elementary classrooms will be published soon.
Active in state, regional, and national professional organizations, Terri presents at various conferences and instructing at professional development workshops. In addition, she worked with educators and scientists in North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia through the Center for Ocean Sciences Education Excellence -- SouthEast. Terri has a BS in Marine Biology from the University of North Carolina at Wilmington and a MAEd in Science Education from East Carolina University. She and her husband, an oceanographer, live in Southern Shores, NC with their three rambunctious cats!