Service Learning in Action with Rockway Middle School
Students at Rockway Middle School in Miami, FL, grow corals in their classroom and have learned about the critical ecosystem services that the reefs provide. This classroom is working with university partners to restore habitat by providing healthy corals for transplant to experimental reef sites.
Beyond the Dead Zone Part 2
The waters of South Florida’s Biscayne Bay are a sanctuary for abundant species of fish and invertebrates. Join Philippe Cousteau and, USGS Marine Biologist Ilsa Kuffner as they dive below the surface to explore the invisible threats to corals that may impact all marine life in these waters. Examining Dr. Kuffner’s underwater research site reveals that small changes in water quality may have tragic consequences for corals and other shell-forming creatures.
Scientist Profile: Sally Hurlbert
Looking out on the Big Meadow in Shenandoah National Park, it’s not hard to understand what drew Sally Hurlbert to her job here and also what has kept her here for a number of years. Sally is a Park Ranger in Shenandoah National Park, a job that allows her to combine her deep love of the natural world with a talent for sharing her knowledge with others. Her work as an outdoor educator allows Sally to teach people about the natural resources of the park. This allows her to explore many different disciplines of science like wildlife biology, botany, aquatic biology and chemistry, and geology.