Virtual Field Trip: Wastewater Treatment & Resource Recovery (Part 2): From #2 to Plant Food!
Ever wondered where your #1 and #2 went after you flushed? And what exactly do we do with all those wastes? Join EarthEcho and the South Cross Bayou Advanced Water Reclamation Facility as we go behind the scenes of Pinellas County’s largest wastewater treatment facility to learn about how we recover our favorite waste, a solid #2, and make it into a safe product that can be used as a fertilizer to grow crops. With streaming footage from inside our egg-shaped digesters to our fertilizer factory, we’ll give you a firsthand look at how science, technology, and engineering allow us to protect human health and keep our waterways clean from “poo-lution!”
Solving Water Together: Leadership for a Clean Water Future
Protecting the health of our aquatic ecosystems and access to clean water is one of the greatest global challenges of our time. As Matt Damon said in the film Brave Blue World, “How lucky are we that we’re the ones who get to solve this?” Join Philippe Cousteau and EarthEcho International as we host a speaker panel of innovators and change-makers to engage with students across the world as we explore solutions to the global water crisis and connect youth to their local bodies of water through the EarthEcho Water Challenge. This event will be moderated by EarthEcho Water Challenge Ambassador Ivanya Johnson.
Solving Water Together: Careers in the Water Industry
When we turn on the tap, we often don’t give much thought to where our water comes from and where it goes after we use it. A vast array of engineers, chemists, technicians, and those in the skilled trades work behind the scenes to keep our water use cycle humming along. Join us as we partner with Xylem to explore the ways in which water industry professionals solve global water issues through innovation and collaboration. This panel will be moderated by EarthEcho Youth Leadership Council member Armon Alex.
Solving Water Together: Diving Into Water Quality
Whether we are swimming, fishing, or paddling in it, using it for our drinking water source or to grow our food, or simply walking the beach and watching the wildlife that relies on it, we all have a deep connection to the water in our community and a responsibility to protect it. Join us as we investigate water quality testing and why monitoring the health of your local waterway is important. This event will be co-hosted by a Xylem Watermark Champion and EarthEcho Youth Leadership Council member Domingo Cortinez.

Snack-Sized Science: Wading Into Water Quality Worksheet
The Wading Into Water Quality worksheet provides background information, detailed instructions and more to accompany our Snack-Sized Science video.

Snack-Sized Science: Going Green and Keep Clean Worksheet
The Going Green and Keeping Clean worksheet provides background information, detailed instructions and more to accompany our Snack-Sized Science video.

Snack-Sized Science: Fantastic Filtration Worksheet
The Fantastic Filtration worksheet provides background information, detailed instructions and more to accompany our Snack-Sized Science video.
Snack-Sized Science: Fantastic Filtration
EarthEcho invites you to play along with us during “Snack-Sized Science”. These brief and interactive science demos with the EarthEcho team are meant to help your young-learners get excited to investigate the fascinating world of SCIENCE and hopefully explore more of EarthEcho’s digital resources...maybe even on their own! Have you ever wondered how dirty stormwater becomes clean and drinkable as it percolates down into our groundwater? Come explore with us as we build a water filter that models the process found in nature.

Snack-Sized Science: Fantastic Filtration Worksheet
The Fantastic Filtration worksheet provides background information, detailed instructions and more to accompany our Snack-Sized Science video.

Snack-Sized Science: pHabulous pHun with pH Worksheet
The pHabulous pHun with pH worksheet provides background information, detailed instructions and more to accompany our Snack-Sized Science video.