OceanEcho 30x30 Educational Event Planning Guide (Chinese-Traditional)

Action Guide

Guía de Planificación de Eventos Educativos OceanEcho 30x30

Action Guide

Stages of STEM: Generations of Innovation

Join EarthEcho International for a conversation with women from all stages in their STEM careers. Experts will share their career pathways, challenges they’ve faced, and how attitudes towards women in STEM have changed over the years. Participants will learn about different STEM careers, opportunities for students interested in STEM, and have the opportunity to ask questions of our experts.


OceanEcho 30x30: Catch the Wave to Protect the Ocean

EarthEcho International was founded on the belief that young people have the power to change the world. You’re invited to join a conversation with EarthEcho Youth Leadership Council members as they demonstrate how they are taking action to protect the ocean. In 2020, EarthEcho launched #OceanEcho30x30, a campaign to ignite activism in ocean conservation. During this session, participants will learn why it is important to protect the ocean, how we are all connected, what they can do in their own communities, and gain access to resources that will help them to lead their own conservation efforts.


Sustainable Seafood Calendar and Cookbook 2020

The Sustainable Seafood Calendar and Cookbook was created by our Youth Leadership Council. The council is comprised of youth ages 16-22 who have sought to spread awareness about the importance of sustainability in our daily lives; specifically what we choose to eat. This eco-conscious calendar is a great download for your workspace, classroom, home or office for the next year. This calendar has been released in support of our Expedition: What's the Catch? which highlights sustainable fishing in the UK.

What’s the Catch?

PlasticSeas Reduce Your Plastic Use Calendar 2020

This calendar has been created by the EarthEcho International Youth Leadership Council. These youth, aged 16-22, designed this calendar to increase awareness and inspire behavior change to protect our collective future. The YLC invites you to use this calendar track and change your habits and, hopefully, provide monthly ideas to help you live a more sustainable, conscientious lifestyle.


Youth in Action: Creating Environmental Change Around the World

Around the world, young people play a critical role in protecting biodiversity and the future health of our planet. Join a panel of EarthEcho International's Youth Leadership Council members to learn about their diverse experiences in environmental conservation, discuss lessons learned for creating impactful conservation projects, and dive deeper into strategies for effectively communicating conservation messages with diverse audiences!
