Snack-Sized Science: Urban Gardening
EarthEcho invites you to play along with us during “Snack-Sized Science”. These brief and interactive science demos with the EarthEcho team are meant to help your young-learners get excited to investigate the fascinating world of SCIENCE and hopefully explore more of EarthEcho’s digital resources...maybe even on their own! Join Philippe and Ashlan Cousteau to learn how to compost and create an urban garden! Kitchen scraps, soil, seeds, and eggshells are all you need to start your very own garden at home. Philippe and Ashlan share their recommendations and best tips to grow your own healthy, sustainable food!
Snack-Sized Science: Plant Your Paper!
EarthEcho invites you to play along with us during “Snack-Sized Science”. These brief and interactive science demos with the EarthEcho team are meant to help your young-learners get excited to investigate the fascinating world of SCIENCE and hopefully explore more of EarthEcho’s digital resources...maybe even on their own! Join us to make your very own plantable seed paper! These are great gifts for any occasion, especially Earth Day. What will your paper sprout when you plant it?
FITBag a resource to stop single use plastic bags
A resource developed by EarthEcho International's Youth Leadership Council for their youth peers to initiate single-use plastic bag reduction strategies in their home communities.

Our everyday actions add up. A plastic bag left behind after a picnic, plastic bottles strewn on the beach. Trash and litter accumulates in places that cause BIG problems for all of us by affecting our waters. We all know, “If you make a mess, clean it up.” The Water Planet Challenge: CleanUP is asking you to do just that. Help clean up our collective mess that ultimately affects our oceans and waterways. This guide describes the steps to take that makes a CleanUP lively, impactful, and more fun than you can imagine!