OceanEcho 30x30: Catch the Wave to Protect the Ocean
EarthEcho International was founded on the belief that young people have the power to change the world. You’re invited to join a conversation with EarthEcho Youth Leadership Council members as they demonstrate how they are taking action to protect the ocean. In 2020, EarthEcho launched #OceanEcho30x30, a campaign to ignite activism in ocean conservation. During this session, participants will learn why it is important to protect the ocean, how we are all connected, what they can do in their own communities, and gain access to resources that will help them to lead their own conservation efforts.

Ocean Acidification Day of Action: Shell Shocked Virtual Field Trip
As part of the Ocean Acidification Day of Action, this virtual event focuses on the effects of ocean acidification on crustaceans. Amalia and Phil will first provide a brief overview of ocean acidification before discussing how their focal species respond to a changing environment. Phil will focus on the effects of acidification on the swimming behavior of larval stone crabs and spiny lobsters. Amalia will then discuss her work exploring the effects of acidification on the physiology and immune response in juvenile American lobsters. The speakers will then end the presentation with some suggestions for how audience members can get involved in climate action and how even small changes can make a difference.

Expeditions Virtual Field Trip: Diving Into the World of Coral Restoration
Coral Restoration Foundation™ is the world's largest marine-conservation non-profit organization dedicated to restoring coral reefs to a healthy state, both in Florida and globally. Our core mission is to restore coral reefs, to educate others on the importance of our oceans, and to use science to further coral research and coral reef monitoring techniques. In this presentation, we will discuss the work Coral Restoration Foundation™ does to support the Florida Reef Tracts’ natural recovery processes via large-scale cultivation, out planting, and monitoring of reef-building corals whilst simultaneously engaging and empowering others in the mission to save our planet’s reefs.
Virtual Field Trip: Wastewater Treatment & Resource Recovery (Part 2): From #2 to Plant Food!
Ever wondered where your #1 and #2 went after you flushed? And what exactly do we do with all those wastes? Join EarthEcho and the South Cross Bayou Advanced Water Reclamation Facility as we go behind the scenes of Pinellas County’s largest wastewater treatment facility to learn about how we recover our favorite waste, a solid #2, and make it into a safe product that can be used as a fertilizer to grow crops. With streaming footage from inside our egg-shaped digesters to our fertilizer factory, we’ll give you a firsthand look at how science, technology, and engineering allow us to protect human health and keep our waterways clean from “poo-lution!”
Expeditions Virtual Field Trip: Sub Pilot Essentials
Learn from our Submersible Pilots and Co-Pilots as we explore topics ranging from underwater communications to piloting the sub. Each individual will discuss their unique path to Submersible Piloting and answer questions about the training process, how manned submersibles work, and wild encounters with marine life—including sharks! OceanGate, Inc. owns and operates three 5-person submersibles for site survey, scientific research, film production, and exploration travel to depths as great as 4,000 meters (13,123 feet). Find out more information at https://oceangate.com/what-we-do.html

A Virtual Field Trip to the Smithsonian Marine Ecosystem Exhibit’s Oculina Habitat
Join Smithsonian Marine Ecosystem Exhibit marine science educator, Laura La Beur, as she shares facts about the Oculina Reef, a deep-water coral reef habitat off the coast of Florida and introduces the Oculina Ecosystem exhibit at the St. Lucie County Aquarium in Fort Pierce, Florida. A feeding of the exhibit will follow.
Expedition What's the Catch? Virtual Field Trip - Sharks: Research and Conservation
Sharks are iconic and misunderstood species with a long evolutionary history. There are over 500 living shark species, all with unique adaptations, that have radiated into nearly every aquatic habitat. There is tremendous diversity in species life histories, reproductive modes, habitat use, sensory biology, ecology and behavior. Sharks are under global threat from human exploitation, primarily for shark fins. Over 30% of shark species are at risk for extinction. Today, research and conservation efforts are targeting effective ways to protect endangered species. Dr. Mikki McComb-Kobza will share the story of sharks rise, diversification, and fascinating adaptations. She will discuss her current research on white sharks in the North Atlantic and other aspects of her ongoing conservation projects.

Expeditions Virtual Field Trip with FISHstory - Stepping Back in Time: How Historic Dock Photos Can Help Fisheries Management
What can historic dock photos reveal about fisheries? The South Atlantic Fishery Management Council’s new citizen science project, FISHstory, aims to find out. FISHstory (pronounced like history) trains volunteers to identify and count fish in historic dock photos From Daytona Beach, FL from the 1940s-1970s. Data collected will help fishery managers build a more complete picture of these fisheries prior to the beginning of dedicated catch monitoring programs. To gather this data, we’re using the power of the crowd through the online crowdsourcing platform, Zooniverse. The project is completely online, open to all, and includes fish identification training materials for those that aren’t fish ID experts. We need help from citizen scientists like you to unlock the data in these photos! Join EarthEcho International and the South Atlantic Fishery Management staff, Allie Iberle and Julia Byrd, to learn more about FISHstory and how you can get involved in the project!
STEMExplore Virtual Career Connection with an Environmental Ecologist
Join EarthEcho International for a STEM-tastic conversation about environmental forensics and ecology with Dr. Tiara Moore, Environmental Ecologist and Postdoctoral Scholar at The Nature Conservancy in Seattle, WA. Dr. Moore is currently a postdoctoral scholar at the University of Washington and The Nature Conservancy using soil eDNA to develop a biodiversity census of Ellsworth Forest to compare species diversity across management treatments over the past 10 years.Inside and outside of the lab, Dr. Moore hopes her research in biodiversity will translate to increasing the overall diversity in science. She dedicates her time to mentoring minority women in the lab and in afterschool programs. Founder of A WOC SPACE, Dr. Moore aspires to make a safe and inclusive workplace for all women of color (WOC) through WOCShops and individual personal trainings. To round things off Dr. Moore combines her experiences as a WOC Scientist with her upbeat personality in her Academic Standup Shows, both communicating science and the struggles of being a minority in STEM.