EarthEcho Expeditions: What's the Catch? Establish Our Fisheries

Philippe Cousteau travels to Plymouth, England, one of Europe’s largest seafood exporters, to explore fisheries and the impacts these practices can have on the environment. Philippe joins Dr. Martin Atrill from the University of Plymouth out at sea to use a trawl net for a fish survey and to understand how data is collected and fish populations are monitored. Fish require balanced and healthy ecosystems in order to thrive and feed our growing population. Philippe joins Dr. Abigail McQuatters-Gollop to learn more about plankton the base of the food web that supports all fish.

What’s the Catch?

Virtual Field Trip: Marine Mammals and Plastic Pollution

Join EarthEcho International and the Marine Mammal Foundation of Australia for an engaging 45-minute virtual field trip. Learn more from Dr. Kate Charlton-Rob, the Executive Director of MMF and Head of Research as she tells us more about the unique marine mammals of Australia and the impacts plastic has of them.


Virtual Field Trip: Shalise’s Ocean Support

Join us as we celebrate the launch of our 2018 EarthEcho Expedition: PlasticSeas with one of your young ocean protectors, Shalise. Shalise believes we need to protect our beautiful oceans for future generations as the oceans are essential to life on earth.

Youth In Action - Shalise’s Ocean Support


PlasticSeas: Establish Our Seas

Plastic is ubiquitous and a material that many of us take for granted, especially single-use plastics. While plastic offers convenience and versatility, we have to consider that every piece of plastic ever made still exists on the planet. Philippe Cousteau meets with Mark Rodrigue from Parks Victoria at the Marine and Freshwater Discovery Centre, and biologist and filmmaker Sheree Marris, to learn more about the unique ecosystem of southern Australian. Dive in with Philippe and fur seals and more in Port Phillip Bay.


STEM Career Closeup - Anthony Hill


Youth In Action - Lucy and BeHappy Bags


PlasticSeas: Plastic Impacts

Philippe Cousteau meets with Dr. Kate Charlton-Robb, the founding director of The Marine Mammal Foundation, to explore how marine ecosystems--specifically a unique population of dolphin--are impacted by plastic. From marine mammals to seabirds, plastic has a variety of impacts that Philippe examines with Dr. Jenn Lavers, who studies the health of seabirds through some unusual sampling methods.


STEM Career Closeup - Neil Blake


STEM Career Closeup - Heidi Taylor
