Prepare - Community Contact Information

Demonstrate - Creating Your Message

What Happens When We Burn Fossil Fuels? Worksheet

Into the Dead Zone

Oyster Reef Ecology Student Activities

These student activity sheets are for the Oyster Reef Ecology Lesson Plan.

Into the Dead Zone

Video Worksheet: What Happens When We Flush?

This worksheet accompanies Day 4 The Issue: What Happens When We Flush? Students should take time for reflection before, during, and after the video while focusing on key vocabulary terms and the major themes.

Into the Dead Zone

Video Worksheet: What is a Dead Zone?

Into the Dead Zone

Video Worksheet: What Happens When We Build Cities?

This worksheet accompanies Day 2 The Issue: What Happens When We Build Cities? Students should take time for reflection before, during, and after the video while focusing on key vocabulary terms and the major themes, including:

Into the Dead Zone

Dead Zones for Dinner Worksheet

What is eutrophication? How might the food on my plate be connected to a Dead Zone in the Gulf of Mexico? Fertilizers used on crops and manure from livestock can both runoff into waterways where the nitrogen and phosphorus they contain contribute to algal blooms, eutrophication and dead zones.

Into the Dead Zone

How is Electricity Generated? - Middle School Worksheet

Generating electricity is simple in principle. Students build a model turbine to learn how any moving medium can potentially generate electricity. They explore the impact of using renewable versus non-renewable resources to produce electricity, including. Students consider the life cycle cost of the different energy sources by researching the economic, environmental and political costs and benefits.

Beyond the Dead Zone

A Food, Inc. Intro to Modern Food Production - Middle School Student Worksheets

The Academy Award nominated documentary Food, Inc. provides an outstanding overview of many of the issues associated with modern industrial food production. These materials help focus viewing of the film on potential environmental impacts, and include both short and long answer questions that can be used with specific short segments of the film.