Service Learning in Action with Fort Garrison Elementary School

Service Learning
Climate Change
Into the Dead Zone

What Happens When We Flush? Virtual Field Trip

Into the Dead Zone

Begin the Journey EarthEcho Expeditions Google+Hangout

Into the Dead Zone

EarthEcho Expeditions Virtual Fieldtrip: What Happens When We Flush?

If you were not able to view the event live, please tune in below as Jenny Newland and Vicki Fenwick from the Canaan Valley Institute discuss the importance of wastewater while taking you on a tour through their greenhouse, which uses recycled wastewater.

Into the Dead Zone

Service Learning in Action with Petersburg Elementary School

Into the Dead Zone

Service Learning in Action with Lancaster County Conservation School

Into the Dead Zone

Service Learning in Action with Earth Conservation Corps

Into the Dead Zone

The Cycle of Insanity: The Real Story of Water

Into the Dead Zone

Service Learning: Welcome Video

Service Learning Stage 4: Reflection